
  • New employment hub to support jobseekers in North Tyne Valley

    Posted 19th Oct 2017

    Job seekers in the North Tyne valley are set to benefit from a new free service ran by CAN providing support for anyone looking for employment. The drop-in support group is open every Tuesday morning from 10am – 1pm at Bellingham Town Hall. — Read more.

  • Community Action Northumberland AGM 2017

    Posted 12th Oct 2017

    At our 2017 AGM, this year kindly sponsored by 0800 Repair, we will update our members on CAN’s current activities, successes and a taste of what is to come. This will include our work to overcome fuel poverty, housing and employment issues as well as our core relationships with village halls and parish councils. A light buffet lunch will be provided. — Read more.

  • Thropton’s new Warm Hub making people glow

    Posted 28th Sep 2017

    An award winning Northumberland project to help local communities provide a secure and warm place for their residents has expanded into Thropton near Rothbury and is inviting more to attend since holding its first successful lunch in September. — Read more.

  • Spreading the word about smart meters

    Posted 7th Sep 2017

    Community Action Northumberland has received a grant to spread the word about smart meters amongst Northumberland’s older residents. — Read more.

  • Countryside faces ‘fuel poverty’ crisis

    Posted 21st Aug 2017

    People living in rural areas have been left behind by government drives to make homes more energy efficient, charities have warned. — Read more.