
  • CAN looking for work coaches

    Posted 29th Mar 2018

    CAN is seeking to contract with a number of self-employed work coaches to lead sessions at our Rural Employment Hubs Project which aims to deliver support to enable unemployed people living in rural isolation to move closer to work. — Read more.

  • Free energy audits for community buildings coming soon

    Posted 29th Mar 2018

    We’re delighted to receive a new grant this week to pay for free energy audits for community buildings in Northumberland. — Read more.

  • County’s communities celebrate Village Halls Week

    Posted 9th Jan 2018

    Northumberland’s village halls are joining together to celebrate the first ever national #VillageHallsWeek, starting Monday 22 January, to celebrate the vital role they play in sustaining rural communities. — Read more.

  • Warm Hubs work wins gas company an award

    Posted 12th Dec 2017

    Northern Gas Networks (NGN) has won Community Initiative of the Year award at this year’s Utility Week Awards for its programme to combat fuel poverty. — Read more.

  • New Energy Efficiency regulations for landlords from April 2018

    Posted 11th Dec 2017

    Did you know new Energy Efficiency regulations come into force for privately-rented domestic Landlords from 1st April 2018? There will be a requirement for all privately-rented properties to have a minimum rating of E on an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC). The regulations will come into force for new lets and renewals of tenancies with effect from 1st April 2018 and for all existing tenancies on 1st April 2020. — Read more.