Energy Advice

Energy Advice

Do you need energy advice?

Energy use affects all of us in different ways – whether it’s trying to reduce what we use for environmental reasons, needing to keep warmer in the winter months or finding ways to pay a bit less for what we use. To lend a hand with understanding and controlling our energy use we have a website Energy Advice Rural Northumberland (EARN), giving trusted advice and resources for rural communities in Northumberland.

Visit Energy Advice Rural Northumberland (EARN)

Get a home visit from our Energy Advisers

We have Community Energy Advisers serving rural Northumberland - Anna Revell and Andrew Beresford. They engage with groups and individuals with the main aim of helping people to keep warmer and spend less through a wide variety of strategies. These range from installing simple measures to improve the energy efficiency of homes, looking into ways of paying less for energy, accessing financial help, adopting more energy-efficient habits and, if appropriate, applying for a grant to make more substantial improvements to the house. 

If you would like a home visit from Anna or Andrew and live in rural Northumberland please contact them. Please note they work part-time so there may be a slight delay in returning your call or email.

Contact our Energy Advisers

Anna Revell Tel: 07724 867010

Andrew Beresford Tel: 07460 485605

For queries about the project contact Christine Nicholls, Community Development Officer at CAN, who is managing the project:

Christine Nicholls Tel: 07827 403837


Community Energy Advice project - What a success!

Up to the end of 2024 our team of Energy Advisers worked hard to reach householders across rural Northumberland to help people to keep warmer and spend less on their energy.

We completed the Energy Advice in Rural Northumberland project, funded by Ofgem through the Energy Industry Voluntary Redress Scheme and smashed our targets!

The team provided simple measures to improve the energy efficiency of homes, helped with metering and billing issues, accessed financial help and grants to make substantial improvements to the house, and encouraged residents to adopt more energy-efficient habits.

We attended 55 community events, speaking with over 1000 residents; given advice via the phone or email to over 1000 people and completed 225 home visits! We have spoken to almost 385 people through one-to-one workshops and provided 77 volunteers with training to become energy agents in their local community.

All told, we’ve had the opportunity to give advice and support to over 2,100 households across the county, giving 2,177 small measures and saving an estimated £236k in annual energy savings through the advice and measures provided!

What a success and we thank you all for your support in achieving these goals.

The work continues

But do not fear, we are not going anywhere! Our energy team continues to work across Northumberland, offering advice and support on energy efficiency and renewables, helping to reduce your energy costs and carbon emissions.

To find out about our Lottery-funded project visit Climate Action in Rural North East.