New Energy Efficiency regulations for landlords from April 2018
11th Dec 2017

Did you know new Energy Efficiency regulations come into force for privately-rented domestic Landlords from 1st April 2018? There will be a requirement for all privately-rented properties to have a minimum rating of E on an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC). The regulations will come into force for new lets and renewals of tenancies with effect from 1st April 2018 and for all existing tenancies on 1st April 2020.
It will be unlawful to rent a property which breaches the requirement for a minimum E rating, unless there is an applicable exemption. A civil penalty of up to £4,000 can be imposed for breaches.
For most landlords this will mean that they will no longer be able to rent out a property with a rating of F or G after April 1st 2018. As such landlords with properties in this EPC bracket should begin preparing now for April 1st. However there are some exemptions. You can read full details including several FAQs and case studies that may help you decide what you need to do next.
If you are a Private Landlord of just one -or- have a larger portfolio of properties and you want to take action now to improve the Energy Rating of a dwelling then CAN’s energy partner 0800Repair can help establish the amount of ECO funding that may be available to help you and your tenants install qualifying replacement boilers or topping up loft insulation that complies with UK Building Regulations.
If you want further advice on you and your tenant’s ECO eligibility and funding for:
- Replacement Oil, LPG or Mains Gas boilers.
- Replacement Electric Storage Heaters
- Switching from Solid Fuel back boiler central heating to Oil, LPG or Mains Gas central heating
- Topping up Loft Insulation to meet UK Building regulations
- Cavity Wall Insulation or Room-in-Roof Insulation
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