Community Action Northumberland AGM 2017
12th Oct 2017

Wednesday 1st November
1pm - 4pm at Stannington Village Hall, Stannington, Morpeth, Northumberland NE61 6EL
At our 2017 AGM, this year kindly sponsored by 0800 Repair, we will update our members on CAN’s current activities, successes and a taste of what is to come. This will include our work to overcome fuel poverty, housing and employment issues as well as our core relationships with village halls and parish councils. A light buffet lunch will be provided.
A small number of local guest speakers will also share a taste of their experiences of CAN.
This year’s AGM will be a very special occasion with our current President, His Grace the Duke of Northumberland, becoming our Patron and a new President to be announced at the meeting.
If you would like to be one of the first people to find out the identity of our new President, book a place at the AGM. We look forward to seeing you there.
The event will open at 1pm with light refreshments, formal business of the AGM will commence at 2pm.
Register your attendance online