
  • CAN Conference tackles rural transport problems

    Posted 22nd May 2017

    More than 100 people attended CAN’s annual spring conference on 10 May to discuss transport problems in rural Northumberland and to explore innovative local solutions. — Read more.

  • New employment hub launches in Prudhoe

    Posted 12th May 2017

    CAN's new employment hub in Prudhoe launched earlier this month and already looks set to be a success. — Read more.

  • Community energy agents offer specialist support

    Posted 12th May 2017

    CAN will be offering Northumberland residents help in choosing energy sources and providers through new volunteer community energy agents. — Read more.

  • Threats to rural services

    Posted 28th Feb 2017

    Public and private sector provision of services is reducing in rural areas while demand increases, according to a new report into the state of rural services launched in January. — Read more.

  • Help our village halls thrive

    Posted 30th Nov 2016

    Village halls are at the heart of our communities in Northumberland. They offer a place for groups to get together and people to learn new skills. CAN provides the vital support that village halls need to thrive. Whether they need to know about licensing, health and safety, finance or energy, village halls can call on CAN at any time. We have launched a crowdfunding campaign to help ensure we continue to be able to support village halls. — Read more.