CAN Energy Adviser service to continue throughout next winter
4th Aug 2023

We’re delighted to share the news our Energy Advice project has been awarded another 12 months of funding from the Energy Redress Trust. This means our Energy Advisers can continue delivering their vital service through next winter and beyond.
The funding from the Energy Redress scheme allows us to support energy consumers in hard-to-reach rural Northumberland who are disadvantaged through remote locations with no connection to the gas grid and, in the case of 356 households, the electricity grid.
We know residents frequently struggle to access existing services and need additional support from trusted community-based sources. The incidence of fuel poverty is huge with low incomes, poor dwelling construction and cost of heating oil. The project was designed to build on our existing, trusted network of community-centred Warm Hubs as the focus for support and advice for the long term.
To date, we’ve exceeded our project targets, having supported just over 3,000 households with a mixture of light-touch advice at events, home visits, face-to-face appointments at community venues and telephone support. We have also provided over 4,000 small energy-saving measures to over 700 households.
We look forward to continuing our work, especially over the coming winter as we face continued high energy bills.
To contact our Energy Advisers or find out more about the project visit: