Getabout Access Scheme seeks volunteers
5th Sep 2016
Getabout Car Scheme
Volunteer Car schemes are a tried and trusted, cost effective way of filling gaps in transport services. The service is offered by carefully selected and trained volunteers using their own car.
The aim is to ensure that people who might not otherwise be able to get out of their homes are able to undertake essential journeys including shopping trips, GP and hospital appointments and visits to relatives in hospital.
Getabout seeks to complement existing transport services, not to compete with or replace them. Where another suitable service is available clients will be referred to them.
Who can use the service?
The service is suitable for people who:
•do not drive, either because they are too young, have never driven or are no longer able to;
•have no access or limited access to a car as it is not affordable or not there during the day;
•have a mobility difficulty which prevents them from using public transport;
•have no public transport available to them.
If you meet these criteria, and think the Getabout scheme is for you, you will need to register with the scheme . This can be done by phone and only takes a few minutes. There is a registration fee of £6 for a 6 month period.
Once registered you can phone or email Adapt (North East) to book a journey. A minimum of seven days notice is required. If an existing service exists to meet your needs a referral may be made, if not they will arrange a service direct.
The cost to service users is 50 pence per mile and service users will be sent an invoice after the journey has been completed.
Becoming a Volunteer Driver
Getabout is currently recruiting volunteer drivers to deliver the scheme.
Volunteers must be over 18, willing and able to use their own car for the scheme, have a clean driving licence, at least 3 years driving experience and a confident attitude to driving. Personal qualities required include a calm, sensitive and understanding manner when dealing with clients and their family or carers, and an ability to deal with situations, possibly emergencies, which may occur whilst transporting clients.
Drivers are responsible for the comfort and safety of the client throughout their journey, and for maintaining client confidentiality at all times. They are required to comply with all relevant policies and procedures, and to report any accidents, incidents or concerns to the Getabout Co-ordinator.
If you want to become a volunteer driver you will need to fill in an application form, provide 2 references and undergo a DBS check. You will be asked to take part in a 3 hour induction programme and will be offered ongoing training and support.
Volunteers are paid expenses of 45p per mile for any journeys carried out for the scheme.
We are looking to recruit volunteers from across Northumberland. However we currently have a particular need for volunteers from the Alnwick and Berwick areas.
If you would like to volunteer as a driver for Getabout, or register as a user of the service, please contact Catherine at Adapt on Tel: 03333 441740