Town & Parish Councils
Town and Parish Councils are the most local tier of government representing the views of their local community and delivering a wide range of local services. There are 142 Parish Councils across Northumberland, the vast majority of which belong to Northumberland Association of Local Councils (NALC)
CAN has worked closely with NALC for many years, as we believe it is vital for local councils and local community and voluntary organisations to work together closely for the benefit of local people. CAN continues to be contracted by NALC to deliver a wide range of support services to parish councils. Our services for local councils include:
- Online information resources
- A wide range of training for councillors and clerks
- One to one advice on practical and legal issues
- Advise on project development (including funding new initiatives, consulting effectively with local communities etc)
- Carrying out the administrative functions for NALC including keeping accounts, running the membership scheme, managing the website, sending out monthly newsletters and organising the annual general meeting.
For full details of the support we offer local councils, please go to the NALC website.